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Hot Stone Massage


Each of us knows how pleasant massage can be but we should also know how beneficial massage has on our health. Massage is also a great opportunity to relax your body and mind. During the massage, the circulatory system, lymphatic system is stimulated and blood begins to circulate faster reaching specific organs. At the same time, blood pressure is lowered, the heart begins to beat more slowly, everything calms down and calms down.

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Relaxing Massage


Accelerates regeneration of strength,
improves the condition of the whole body,
brings relief to sore and tense muscles,
reduces pain: spine, headache, menstruation.
An effective element in the weight loss process, regenerates metabolism.
Has a beneficial effect on the body and mind, thanks to which it is easier to get rid of tension and stress and achieve the longed-for peace and relaxation.
Nourishes and oxygenates muscles, increases their elasticity.
Stimulates blood circulation, which makes the body easier to get rid of toxins.
Is one of the elements of therapy for people suffering from neurosis, insomnia, depression and migraine headaches.

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Massage Supplies

Massage is also beneficial for the condition of our spine. We are often not aware that the causes of some pain, e.g. in the chest, abdominal pain, numbness of the limbs, etc. lie in the degeneration of the spine.
Of course, movement, frequent specialist checks and the habit of having the right body posture are important. However, massages that are prophylactic, but also reduce and even reduce pain in the case of serious illnesses are also extremely helpful.

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Hot Stone Massage


Hi, my name is Marek, I deal with massage since 2013, when I graduated the Silesian Medical University with a master's degree in physiotherapy. I was so interested in the massage that during my studies in 2010 I obtained the diploma of a second degree massage therapist in the training center "Bio-Relax" (Cracow). In 2014, expanding my competences as a physiotherapist, I finished training in the concept of M. Knott (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) of the first and second level. I have been operating independently in Nottingham for five years, offering my experience and knowledge to my clients. I'm still learning increasing my competences and looking for the best products to provide services at the highest level. I am a official member of The Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) is the UK's largest professional association for therapists. I help not only to relax but I also help in many disease entities, disabilities and dysfunctions.

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